Sunday 22 November 2009

Art Exhibition 2009

Last week, Kelvin Road School held its annual Art Exhibition. All the classes contributed to the show and loved seeing their art work on display. Parents and other friends of the school came in to view the displays. The teachers have been saving the best art all year waiting for this opportunity to share it with everyone.
More examples will be shared later! Keep an eye out for them.....or you can wait until the same time next year and come and see our new exhibition.

These are samples from the Room 23, Room 12 and Room 17 displays.

Thursday 12 November 2009

What did you enjoy about 2009?

The pupils at Kelvin Road School were asked about their favourite part of 2009. Angelique from Room 23 thought long and hard about it and decided her favourite part, (apart from her teacher), was doing Drama. She liked doing acting, posing and facial expressions. She even demonstrated some to me - they were great.
Angelique, I promise there will be drama next year as well!
Have a great finish to the year!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

How caterpillars metamorphosis’ into a caterpillar

Caterpillars are in all countries and will always metamorphosis into a butterfly. First the butterfly lays eggs on a leaf. Then the caterpillar hatches out of the egg and eats the shell.
Next the caterpillar looks for about thirty leaves to eat and then the caterpillar gets fatter and fatter. Then it molts out of its skin about four times.

Then it looks for a leaf to hang upside down on.

After it finds a leaf it shoots out silk thread and ties it around itself and makes a chrysalis.
Then the chrysalis turns into pupa. Pupa is a kind of jelly. Then the caterpillar grows wings.
At last the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis it hangs upside down and flaps its wings so blood can go into its wings. And the Cycle can start again.

The caterpillar to butterfly happens all the time and this is why it is a cycle.

By Tui, Room 23