Thursday, 27 September 2012

Reading Quiz 2012


Kelvin Road School held their first reading quiz competition today.  The contestant read 30 stories over the term and then answered 26 questions in a race while the rest of the syndicate watched on.  The all teams finished within one or two points of each other which shows they all know their stuff.  There had to be winners though and the results were:

1st = Room 17

2nd = Room 14

3rd = Room 18

Well done to all of the participants and now we cannot wait until next year’s competition!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Room 23 Dance into Book Week

Cop Dogs


A demonstration to show obedience

On Tuesday 25th September, the senior school and some juniors went out onto the field; in the middle of the field were some police officers and their police dogs.
The police first told us what police dogs do, there were so many things that a police dog could do. After a couple of questions, they told us that they would bring out the dogs, it was very interesting.
Holding on to a criminal
They brought one of the dogs out to show us what they could do in real life, the dogs were German Shepards; they were so amazing.
This police dog has caught a criminal and holds them on the ground

 The policemen had to wear body gear to protect themselves from the dogs to give a demonstration for what the dogs would do when attacking a criminal. One by one they brought out the dogs to show the diffrence in their training. It was so cool! 

The German Shepard holds on tight so his handler can catch him

Thank you from Kelvin Road School

Watch out!

Friday, 21 September 2012

The Junior School Paint a Mural for the Community

 The Junior School have painted a mural for the community as part of our Social Studies topic about Papakura Our Community. We choose the shop because of the locality to our school and the connection the children have with these shops. We wanted to give the shop a make over as part of our contribution to making our community beautiful!  A lot of planning went into it, which was led by the Safer Papakura.  The children were asked to draw pictures using the theme “Our Community”.  They then asked the shop keeper if he would be happy for them to draw on his wall, and he agreed, so the mural was born.  We are proud to be part of Kelvin Road School and think it looks great!  Don’t you!